Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Joining Reality

I decided to start a blog today. I know. . .I'm about five years late and several dollars short! I'm not sure what compelled me. I've thought about it over the years as this phenomenon has become increasingly popular. Perhaps it stems from my slight addiction to Facebook (I was late getting on that bandwagon, too!) and the fun I've been having with posting status updates. That sounds a little self-absorbed now doesn't it?! For the record, I do love reading my friend's posts as well. :) Maybe it's just so I can get everything (or at least some) of what is going on in my head "down on paper" as they used to call it. What would it be now, "up on screen?" In any case, this will allow me to chronicle my thoughts and feelings about the reality of being a "regular mom."

1 comment:

  1. welcome! :) and btw, i don't know if i can agree with the 'regular' mom bit. anyone with 4 kiddos has to be at LEAST mom extraordinaire! :)
